
发布时间:2023-03-21 16:58:01


1. Everything you said in that room yesterday.


2. But I'm giving you one chance to meet your maker with arms and legs attached.

但我给你个机会 让你四肢健全地见上帝

3. You don't have the faintest idea who this man is or why he is dead, and yet you cast aside my help so easily.

你根本不知道 这人是谁 为何而死 但你却如此轻易地置我的帮助于不顾

4. He's taking up a big part of our lives.


5. I think we have to start thinking about damage control.


6. They're in short supply, in case we hadn't noticed.

现在人很少 提醒一下大家

7. A moment longer, and I would have been done for.

多留一刻 我就死翘翘了

8. There's nothing wrong with a father trying to help his son.


9. So here is a peace offering disguised as a sandwich.

这是送你的三明治 作为求和的礼物

10. I'm talking 'bout those threeo'clockinthemorning, somebodypleasesaveme kind of nightmares.

我说的是那种凌晨三点 "快来人救我"那种噩梦


11. If I could give you the 2.2 bil' to manage, I would.

如果我可以给你22亿去管理的话 我会的

12. I don't know I don't know what happened.

我不知道 都不知道发生了什么

13. I say bullshit. I didn't quite hear what she said.

我说狗屁 我听不到她说什么

14. The true architects of the plague, they're watching me.

他是此瘟疫的真正缔造者 他们在监视着我

15. I mean, I know we've got other things to discuss, but that is bloody amazing.

我知道我们还有别的事可聊 但那太棒了

16. You'd better cut that liberal snowflake talk before I set you up on meetings with investors.

在我还没帮你找到投资人之前 你最好省掉自由主义对事事敏感的那一套

17. You look me in the eye and tell me it's a coincidence.

看着我的眼睛 告诉我这是个巧合

18. They were undying, like me, creatures of perpetual resurrection.

他们不会死去 就像我一样 永远可以复活重生

19. One could argue that billionaires are actually treated worse.

甚至可以说我们亿万富豪 比那时候犹太人还惨

20. So, they're toughest with stuff they can double check.

他们检查得非常严格 反复检查


21. Well, that's what he treats, and that's where she goes.

他就是治这个的 她也去了那里

22. I mean, I know these guys get legal training.


23. So, look, but I do want to talk about the sink before you leave.


24. Max, you can't get pregnant doggie style.

麦克斯 用狗爬式不会怀孕啦[会的]

25. I thought maybe, if you read it, you might be able to help him.

我想着或许 你看了后可能能帮到他

26. It's too bad your name isn't famous.


27. And when he makes bail, the man gives him back everything.

保释时 他的所有东西都被归还了

28. These outsiders come here, take our land.

那些外人来到这里 占领我们的土地

29. Because of the little things, I couldn't take it anymore.

正是这些小细节 让我再也无法忍受

30. 经济24% 气候变化12% 犯罪06% 外交政策16% increasing critici* for his handling of the economy, increasing crime, the environment, and foreign policy.

支持率 越来越多针对他在经济 犯罪率上涨 环境问题和外交政策等方面处理不当的批评