例句我去清出一个地方 让我们好好叙叙旧/今日知乎v3.8.9

发布时间:2023-03-23 12:18:01


1. I'll go clear a place for us to catch up.

我去清出一个地方 让我们好好叙叙旧

2. Narcotics hasn't gotten anywhere with it, so command staff wants intelligence on it.

缉毒队目前还没有任何线索 上面想要这方面的情报

3. Well, you're on videotape heckling the deceased.

录像带里面 你在讽刺死者

4. I apologize if I was out of line at the platform committee meetings.

我很抱歉 如果我在 论坛委员会会议上出格了

5. Don't show them you're scared, or they'll kill you on the spot.

不要让他们发现你害怕 否则他们会直接杀了你

6. You got to admit it makes more sense than a war.

你得承认 这比战争要合理得多

7. Now I'm gonna tell you something insensitive, shitty, but true.


8. Unless the old man decides to be difficult about it.


9. I'm not going to remedial math, because I'm going to get a tutor who will teach me what my teacher could not.

我不会参加数学补习的 因为我要找一个家教 让他教我现在的老师没能教我的知识

10. II'm open to new ideas, new approaches.

我很乐意接受新事物 新方法

例句我去清出一个地方 让我们好好叙叙旧

11. There was one day just before you came, he caught three in one day.

在你们来的前一天 他一天之内抓了三只

12. I was half hoping they'd stick around for a bit.


13. But this poll was conducted no differently than prior polls.


14. Everett's extreme idea set him at loggerheads with the establishment, and sadly, he died before ever receiving the recognition he deserved.

埃弗莱特的疯狂想法让他 与当时的权威格格不入 而遗憾的是直到他去世前 他也未获得他应得的认可

15. But I was wondering if I could get that in cash if possible.

不过我在想 如果可能的话 我想要现金

16. Well, maybe if I, maybe if I push its wing.

如果我 如果我推它的翅膀

17. The mailbox you are trying to reach is full.


18. Okay, that right there, that's what I'm talking about.

就是这个 我指的就是这个

19. And after that, he'll have to be forever on watch that his hiding place's not found.

之后 就必须一直看着这个地方 别被人发现了

20. I guess that's why they're called your homies.



21. No, I can't. I'llI'll never make the jump.

不 我做不到 我跳不下去的

22. I said he could listen in and serve coffee.

我觉得他可以旁听 倒个咖啡

23. I woke up early, but you were already gone.

我醒得很早 但你已经不在了

24. I think what he wants to hear about is young single women.


25. Who also happened to put your girlfriend in the hospital.


26. I will scream bloody murder at the top of my lungs and then there will indeed be a scandal.

我就就叫破喉咙 这绝对会成为一桩丑闻

27. I mean, you will have thought of absolutely everything.

我是说 你肯定已经想到一切能想的地方了

28. I guess I'm gonna do what any reasonable person would do.


29. All the old cultures, we had the bad habit of turning truth into fairy tales.

所有的古老文明 我们总有 用童话来掩盖真相的坏习惯

30. He said he'd go back and make it look like a robbery.
