
例句即便是我们达到了这个速度 也会同样受到时间膨胀的影响/今天爱奇艺v6.2.5

发布时间:2023-03-22 10:12:01


1. Even if we succeeded, we'd still be subject to the same time dilation effects.

即便是我们达到了这个速度 也会同样受到时间膨胀的影响

2. It appears that someone is guiding them directly toward us.


3. Girls have to go into the world and make up their own minds about things.

女孩子要多见世面 遇到事情自己拿主意才行

4. I think they're trying to rack up the whole block.


5. We've been in a secret war here the last six months or so.


6. There are only two licensed suppliers for clinical trials.


7. Look, I made this stupid video at my parent's lake house.


8. That's how it was installed when I ordered the *art house package.

当初就这么装的 是我订购的智能房屋套餐包含的

9. This is the first time my life's been exciting without drugs.


10. It's such a shame you can't be more open about your feelings for each other.

你们无法公开彼此的感情 真是很遗憾

例句即便是我们达到了这个速度 也会同样受到时间膨胀的影响

11. The first night I met her, she threatened to put a cigarette out on my arm.

我遇到她的那天晚上 她说要用我的胳膊来灭烟

12. There's still a fourth victim, and I think I know who it is.

这里还有第4个受害者 我想我知道他是谁

13. Because if I say it, then it's real and I lose you, and I don't want to lose you.

因为如果我说出来 事情就会成真 我就会失去你 但是我不想失去你

14. Hey, you know, maybe you could *ash out this wall and buy the space next door, too.

也许你能砸掉这面墙 买下隔壁的店铺

15. The winners get what the losers get.


16. Looking the other way and keeping quiet, that's not who you are.

假装看不见 不举报他 那就不是你了

17. He wasn't much to look at, but he was really popular, especially with the ladies.

他的样貌不是很好 但是他很受欢迎 尤其受女士欢迎

18. No, people have to know the system works.

不 需要告诉人们最终是司法体系战胜了一切

19. Molly, you worked so hard for this your whole life.

莫莉 你为此付出了那么多

20. I can assure you that no one was more profoundly impacted by the short time we spent together than me.

我可以向您保证 在我们相处这么短的时间内 没人比我受您影响得更多


21. Anytime an officer is involved in a shooting, they're placed on temporary leave pending an investigation.

无论何时警探涉及枪击案件 都会被暂时停职 接受调查

22. All right, I'm gonna live dangerously, dip my toes in the water.

我要活得冒险一点 把脚趾伸进海水里

23. Trust that, in time, she will accept it.

放心吧 她会慢慢接受的

24. People make their own luck, some more than others.

运气是自己创造的 有些人创造的比较多

25. I saw one the night my grandpa died.


26. It's really picked up just in the last 20 minutes.


27. I suggest you come out and start begging for your life, before I end these two.

我建议你赶快出来 求我饶命 等我杀了这两个人可就晚了

28. Don't worry, whoever you are; we'll find you.

别担心 不管这个人是谁 我们都会把你揪出来的

29. It's been a long week already. I need to get drunk, and you're my designated driver.

这周过得太漫长 我得一醉方休 反正你是我的专职司机

30. I want to do something big and romantic and crazy, and I want to do it with you.

我想做惊天动地 浪漫疯狂的事 我要和你一起去做