
发布时间:2023-03-23 10:12:01


1. Your toxicology handbook is, like, the goto source for me.


2. My advice is, lose the inlinesix and that idiotic threespeed, shorten the wheelbase, somehow lose half a ton, and lower the price.

我的建议是 缩减直列六缸发动机和*的三档加速 缩短轴距 就能减轻半吨重量 还能降低成本

3. Frank, life is like a game of chess.

Frank 人生就像是一盘象棋游戏

4. I believe it would be best to wait until we're certain we'll be on land.

我觉得最好等我们确定了 能够靠岸之后再行动

5. Wouldn't want to go down that road again.

我们都不想重蹈覆辙 对吧

6. I called help for her. I gave myself up for her.

为她我打了911 把自己丢进来

7. It's no allergic, and allergies don't cause cardiac arrest like this.

不是过敏 过敏不会这样导致心脏停跳

8. I have been sent to escort you and your son to the palace.


9. I believe the time is now come for me to introduce myself to your father.

来得正是时候 我该向你父亲自我介绍了

10. Virginia, god bless her, tried tried to give me some baloney story about how they're publishing the study, working out of the hotel.

可怜的弗吉尼娅 居然还编故事来骗我 说他们正准备发表研究成果 所以在酒店工作


11. I do, however, believe that I was chosen.


12. A pheasant is no *all matter, and the theft of such property, from your betters, shows a disrespect for authority, which cannot go unpunished.

偷鸡不是小事 对这种财物的盗窃 还是偷上等人的东西 是对权威的藐视 必须得到惩罚

13. Hannibal did this so he doesn't have to face what he did.

汉尼拔是元凶 从而逃避自己的所作所为

14. It doesn't matter what you see out there.


15. I knock off a few letters after everyone's asleep.


16. Yeah, we would have to freeze you in carbonite to get you down there.

没错 我们为了控制住你 不得已都把你碳凝了

17. Tear at my flesh as you would your vilest enemy.


18. He holds his ground and forces the intruder back out to sea.

它守住了自己的领地 将入侵者逼退回海里

19. We may be on different sides, but at least you've become a worthy opponent.

我们可能在不同阵营里 但至少你已经足够当我的对手

20. If you kids think you can outrun me, you've got another thing coming.

如果你们觉得能开得比我跑得快 那你们就完全错了


21. Okay, let's see what's in this gold mine.

好了 我看看这金矿里到底有什么

22. You get what you get and you don't get upset.

你分到谁就是谁 不许不高兴

23. Becca, I'm not trying to ruin your life.

贝卡 我没想毁了你的生活

24. He didn't get it by stealing or killing someone.


25. But please note we're actively looking for a place to build a new bomb shelter with enough room for almost everyone.

但是请注意 我们正在积极寻找场地 建造一个能够容纳所有人的新防空洞

26. You're probably wondering where I even got it.


27. I think so and you've just started me on a brandnew path.

是的 你为我开创了一条全新的道路

28. After I finish this, I got something I want to show you.


29. Twenty four hours later, he walks back on the campus, covers himself in gasoline, and sets himself on fire.

二十四小时后 他走回了园区 往自己身上浇了汽油 然后把自己点燃了

30. Emily, I don't flatter myself that you came all this way to see me.

艾米丽 你大老远跑来 应该不是特意来看我吧