
例句也许这种能力 是近两年的事/今天美团v9.3.2

发布时间:2023-03-22 12:18:01


1. Maybe the ability came to him more recently, like in the last two years.

也许这种能力 是近两年的事

2. This is a momentous hour in world history.


3. You know that I won't be able to live with myself if I don't at least try.

你知道我的 如果不试一试 我不会死心的

4. In other words,he took down the number, called from an untraceable line.

换句话说 他记下了那个号码 然后从一条无法追踪的线路 打回电话

5. I'm so sorry to scare you, but I need to rehearse.

抱歉吓着你了 但我需要练习

6. Now I'm gonna cuff him 'cause he's a bad guy.

现在我要把他拷上 因为他是坏人

7. Because I knew it would affect me going freeagent.


8. But we are working a grid as we speak.

但是在我们谈话的同时 也正在进行区域网格式搜寻

9. You just got everything you wanted all along.


10. Rach, let's get you set up in the lounge.

瑞秋 我带你去休息室吧

例句也许这种能力 是近两年的事

11. Oh, he just likes to get into my head, keep us tied together.

他特喜欢控制我的想法 把我俩联系在一起

12. When your father was in charge, he was a reasonable man with reasonable rates.

*爸管事的时候 他可很讲道理 利率也合理

13. I dated a girl who stopped taking the pill six months into our affair.

我约会的女孩在我们确定关系六个月时 停止了服药

14. I grew up, I tried to get out of it and my dumb sister gets a divorce so I end up having to help her out.

我长大后 想要脱离这种生活 我那个笨蛋姐姐又离婚了 所以我只能继续卖大麻来帮她

15. When you dip your virgin toe in the deep warmth of my mud, you're never gonna be the same again.

你第一次踏入我的泥浆的温暖怀抱时 会脱胎换骨

16. Are you sure? II can find him anywhere.

你确定吗 他在哪里我都能找到他

17. There are times one's diminutive size bears strange fruit.

有时候 一个人身材矮小 倒也有奇怪的好处

18. Come on, we agreed we was gonna get in shape together.

拜托 我们说好要一起瘦身的

19. Yeah. It's not much but it's home to us.


20. These rumors about the location of the portal.



21. Yeah, it's hard to keep up sometimes.

是啊 有时候都跟不上发展

22. That was the sound of a man crapping himself.


23. All your wife talks about are her cravings for various bread products.

你妻子总说 她渴望吃各式各样的面包

24. Sir, you have no place in the working of this court.

先生 法庭上的事轮不到你插手

25. It was all there, I could see all the notes and I just had to get it out.

全谱好了 我可以看见每个音符 只需要把它写出来就行了

26. After the early morning sun, its hilt was golden like the color of my hair.

在清晨的阳光照耀下 金色的剑柄就像我头发的颜色

27. Type specific four, type and cross ten.

类型血清4单位 交叉配血10单位

28. Body or no body, you were here doing an autopsy.

无论有没有尸体 你刚才一直在做解剖

29. That's one thing I'm sure of,at least.


30. The fresh brain, as we call it, would actually have a very soft sort of jellylike consistency.

我们平时所说的活人的大脑 有一种非常柔软 像果冻一般的质感