
音标/读音 [bu:m'bɒks]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 内置扬声器, 内置立体声系统



I wouldn't be surprised if you opened that door and they were standing there holding a boombox over their heads.

如果你们打开门 发现他们举着扬声器等在门口我也不惊讶

But you know that he can sustain a relationship about as long as he can probably hold a boombox over his head.

但你知道 他能维持一段感情的时间 就跟他能把录音机放在头上的时间一样长

Listen, I am never going to be the kind of girl that covers stairs with flowers or stands on your lawn with a boombox.

我永远不会是那种 在楼梯上铺满花瓣 举着录音机站在你家前院的女孩