
音标/读音 [milt]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 脾脏, 鱼白, 精液
vt. 使受精

n. fish sperm or sperm-filled reproductive gland; having a creamy texture
n. seminal fluid produced by male fish



Milt and I are gonna do a flyby out front.


Milt's charm, phony or not, has no effect on me.

不管米尔特的魅力是真是假 都对我毫无影响

Milt found out about the case first.


Milt's been nothing but helpful since he got here.


Milt has assignments for each of you, and he has asked to have someone team up with him.

米尔特给你们每个人布置了任务 他还需要一个人和他一起行动

Milt and I found an unlocked back entrance.


Milt, nobody in the park recognized this guy's photo.

米尔特 公园里没人认识这人的照片

Milt, you and I have been staking out your apartment for the past three hours, and you haven't seen him.

米尔特 我陪你监控你公寓 三个多小时了 你还是没看见他