
音标/读音 ['s\\:vismәn]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 军人, 维修人员
[化] 机械师; 维修人员

n. someone who serves in the armed forces; a member of a military force



And I was told that you were a decorated serviceman.


Because you just informed me you plan to murder an unarmed fellow serviceman.

因为你刚跟我说 你打算杀了一个没武器的军人

Eyewitnesses report a local hero and active serviceman sprang into action and tackled the gunman to the floor.

目击者称一位本地英雄 兼现役军人扑到持枪者的身上 将其击倒在地

For as any serviceman will tell you, in battle, when the heat is on, one needs a shorthand, a shared language and understanding.

任何一位军人都会知道 战场上 合刃之急 士兵们需要术语 相互都能理解的共同语言

Homosexual conduct defined as the act or statement by a serviceman demonstrating a propensity or intent to engage in homosexual acts.

同性恋行为的定义是服役人员的 行为或言论表现出 同性恋倾向或同性恋意图