
音标/读音 [sәk'sesful]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

a. 成功的, 一帆风顺的, 顺利的
[经] 成功的

a. having succeeded or being marked by a favorable outcome



If you want to be successful, you have to project success.

如果你想成功 就必须营造出成功的样子

He was everything that success was, that I was taught what success was.

他就是成功的象征 在我认知中成功就是这个样子的

She's a success, and I missed my opportunity to become a success, too.

她是成功者 而我失去了成功的机会

Yes, seven nights of successive and successful coitus.

是的 连续七晚成功*了

As would you if you were more successful.

要是你再成功点儿 也可以这样

I want us to have a successful wedding and a successful life.


Success breeds success and all that happy horse shit.

你那堆先富带后富 共同富裕的屁话

That's why we're successful at what we do.


Instead of successive deposits, you have just successive removals of stone.

这里没有什么历史文物可寻 只能通过石头的雕琢情况进行推断

Nobody you think is successful actually feels as successful as you think they are.

每个你觉得成功的人 都不会觉得自己有那么成功