
音标/读音 ['kʌntrimәn]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 同胞, 乡下人, 国民

n. a man from your own country
n. a man who lives in the country and has country ways



If you are, I'm almost a countryman.

如果是的话 那我差不多算是乡下人了

You turned against your countryman to save me, my throne, my future.

你为了救我 为了我的王位 我的将来 背弃了自己的同胞

Virgil is looking hard in only the way that only a real countryman can.

维吉尔站在乡下人的角度 努力端详始末

I've never liked you anyway, but I fought next to you and I'd have died for you as a countryman.

虽然我从未喜欢你 但是我与你并肩而战 作为同乡 我愿意为你而死

We are gather here today to remember our countryman who have been brutally torn from us in an act of the meaningless terror.

ǽ 廳 ЩĿֲӲпĴ߶ߵĹ