
音标/读音 [æn'tәunjә]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. (女子名)安东尼娅



Antonia has a lot of influence in the prison.


Antonia used to take care of me when I was little.


Antonia, I realize you have no reason to help us.

安东妮娅 我知道你没有理由帮助我们

We now need to speak about sister antonia.


I'd use my words with care, mother antonia.

我會表達地更準確一些 安東尼婭嬤嬤

Antonia had been seeing a mutual friend of ours for about 18 months.


To celebrate the thirtieth anniversary of the foundation of sister antonia's first village of goodness.

慶祝安東尼婭修女建成第一座行善村 30週年慶典

Sister antonia calls my office an average of fourteen times a day to repeat her invitation.

安東尼婭修女這些天裡平均每天給我的辦公室致電十四次 只為復表她對您的盛情邀請

I'm not particularly fond of sister antonia and what's more, several cardinals have told me she has a close and friendly relationship with halitosis.

我並不對安東尼婭修女感興趣 此外 有幾位主教和我講過 她和口臭問題關係密切