
音标/读音 ['tiŋktʃә]
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◎ 单词释义

n. 酊, 颜色, 色调, 染料, 气息, 气味
vt. 染, 使有气息

n. a substances that colors metals
n. (pharmacology) a medicine consisting of an extract in an alcohol solution
v. stain or tint with a color



I've been taking tinctures in increasing amounts.

我一直在服用药酊 剂量也在不断增加

And then whisk in 200 millilitres of your tincture.


It's tincture, made from the lobelia plant.


Of course not. It's chamomile with a calming tincture.

当然不是 是加了镇静酊的甘菊茶

I thethe tincture is more expensive, I guess.


After a couple of weeks, you'll have an alcohol infusion, or a tincture.

几周后 它就成了酒精浸剂 或者说酊剂

Aredian's too clever to have given the tincture to them directly.

阿里帝安那么聪明 不会直接给他们制剂

Okay, uh, make a tincture, coat a silver bullet.

好的 做成酊剂 涂在银色子弹上

This helpful little tincture calms the nerves and fortifies the constitution.

这种酊剂 很能平静心情 还能增强体质

His every bodily fluid replaced with an embalming tincture of his own devising.

他全身的体液 都被换成了他发明的防腐酊