音标/读音 [di:]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

[计] 数据, 十进制, 数位, 位, 文档, 域
[医] 氘, 重氢

n. the 4th letter of the Roman alphabet



However, the incident did end his association with the d.o.d.

然而 这个事件并没有终结他和国防部的联系

the d.o.d.'s biochem division for possible use against the vietcong.

国防部的生化室 来对付越共

I'm worried about what they'll d... do with it.


Then I... I honestly d... I don't understand this.

说真的 那我就不明白了

Believe me, I’d involve you if I could.

相信我 要是可以的话我一定会去找你

I d I did it just to prove to myself I could.


I’d like to say thank you for what you did.


If I had to. I’d much prefer the other option.

如果真要如此 我情愿选择另一条出路

It's the biggest "d" I've ever had in my life.


I d...I do appreciate your concern, but we are fine.

我 我感谢你的关心 但我们之间没事了