
音标/读音 ['ækmi]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 顶点, 极度, 最高点
[医] 极期

n. the highest level or degree attainable; the highest stage of development



But until then, you'll be at this desk answering that phone, selling acme paper.

但到那时之前 你就坐在桌子前 接电话 卖纸

Acme and his fellow activists add their voices to the protests.

阿克米和他的伙伴们 也加入到反抗队伍中

Acme's clients aren't the only ones that are struggling to pay the bills.

不只阿克米的雇主们 在付账单时纠结不已

Acme is refusing to just give up and let the authorities knock his house down.

阿克米不愿坐视 政府把他的房子推倒

Acme only has to walk out behind his studio for a reminder of the favela's turbulent past.

阿克米只需走到他的工作室后面 便能回忆起这个贫民窟的动荡过去

Acme's graffiti adorns much more than just his favela, he's had commissions across the city.

阿克米的涂鸦装饰的不仅仅是他所在的贫民窟 他接到的工作来自城市的各处

Acme and his neighbours, but currently on offer are homes in other favelas, miles from jobs, families and friends.

和他的邻居们提供新住所 但是目前能提供的是 位于另一个贫民窟的房屋 远离工作地点 家人和朋友

Acme grew up here, surrounded by guns and drug traffickers, and that life features in a lot of his work.

阿克米在这个充斥着枪和毒贩的地方长大 这种生活在他的许多作品中都有体现