
音标/读音 ['tæksidә:mist]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 动物标本剥制者

n. a craftsman who stuffs and mounts the skins of animals for display



So, no dope in the car, no dope at the taxidermist.

车里没发现* 标本师那里也没有

I stuff dead a... I'm a professional taxidermist.

我填充死... 我是职业剥制师

That's how you can tell a good taxidermist.


Eleanor visits a taxidermist, a bank and this house.

埃利诺见了一个标本师 去了一家银行和这里

Taxidermist said he took this bullet out of the dog.


Well, I'm a professional taxidermist, so, yeah, I have the equipment.

我是一名职业动物标本制作师 我当然有必需的设备

Taxidermist said she has some sort of ledger with her; thought that she was in charge.

标本师说她身上带着什么总账 认为她是管事的

I'm sure you can throw a stone and hit a taxidermist.
