
音标/读音 [lɔ:did]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

v. 称赞, 赞美( laud的过去式和过去分词 )

v praise, glorify, or honor



Lauding to power and to a closeness to the gods.

赞美能力 为了靠近诸神

She's been lauded by some as an example of peaceful humansynth integration.

她被一些人称赞为 人类和合*和平共处的实例

We yearn for the same day, when we are not reviled but lauded as heroes.

我们渴望着同一天 那一天我们不再被辱骂 而是被称颂为英雄

I'll not continue to stand aside and watch you lauded.

我不能再站在旁边 看你继续被谬赞了

Magna cum laude in not wasting my time on bullshit.


One of whom was being lauded for exploits that were nothing short of astonishing.

其中有一位备受推崇 战果极其辉煌

Ryan arrow magna cum laude stanford.

赖安·箭 斯坦福大学成绩优异

When you march south, if you take the wall, you will be lauded.

你向南进军 如果城墙告破 你将倍受赞誉

My daughter graduated cum laude last year, and that was after the assault.

我女儿去年以优异成绩毕业 还是在那次袭击之后

I have, I've written a statement for you, supporting and lauding the decision to greenlight the vaccine.

我替你写好了声明 支持并称赞批准疫苗的决定