
音标/读音 ['dәu,nʌt]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

[医] 电子回旋加速器环状真空室, 同步加速器环状真空室

n a small ring-shaped friedcake



‐ I like the donut. ‐ I like the donut too.

我喜欢空心 我也喜欢空心

I mean, if it's a donut that's making donuts, then that donut would be burdened by all kinds of personal biases and probably, ultimately, be conflicted about the whole enterprise.

我想说 如果是一个甜甜圈在做甜甜圈 那么那个甜甜圈就会承受各种各样的偏见 最终很可能 引起整个甜甜圈事业的定位混乱

Because a donut that's selling donuts is basically a slave trader.

因为一个卖甜甜圈的甜甜圈 可以说是奴隶贩子

I bought a dozen donuts and a dozen donut holes.

我買了十二個甜甜圈 十二個洞

It'll be the icing on the donut unless the donut's already got icing.

这感觉就像甜甜圈上撒了糖霜 除非甜甜圈上已经有糖霜了

I had to stop and get my own breakfast because I figured you all would be having donuts, but I'm actually glutenfree, so I can't have donuts, m'kay.

我得给自己做早餐 因为我猜你们大家都会吃甜甜圈 但我实行的是无谷蛋白饮食 所以我不能吃甜甜圈好么

As I walk down the street, I pass a donut shop, where all the donuts are stacked one on top of the other.

我接着往前走 路过了一家甜甜圈店 里面的甜甜圈都是一个叠在另一个上

Assume you're not here for the donuts.


Yeah, but she has a plate of donuts.


You're beating yourself up over one donut.
