
音标/读音 ['seivәri]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

a. 风味极佳的, 可口的, 味香的
n. 开胃菜

n either of two aromatic herbs of the mint family
n an aromatic or spicy dish served at the end of dinner or as an hors d'oeuvre
a morally wholesome or acceptable
s having an agreeably pungent taste
s pleasing to the sense of taste



Spicy, sweet or savoury anything goes.

辣的 甜的 咸的 都一起来

I'm trying to push the savoury and all they want is the sweet.

我想给他们上开胃菜 他们却都要甜甜圈

The thing that got me was the fact that it works with sweet and savoury.

它吸引我的地方在于 它用来做甜品和开胃菜都很合适

With a savoury filling like this, they make a proper little pie.

配上这开胃内馅 它们也可以变成美味的迷你派

And I put their produce to good use in these gorgeous savoury buns.

我将他们的成果运用在了 这些漂亮的咸味小面包里

My first recipe is a savoury pie using an ingredient we have in abundance.

第一道美食 要用到的食材随处可见

I'm going to use some of the lads' mushrooms in my savoury choux bun recipe.

我要用那些小伙子们的蘑菇 做些美味的泡芙包了

Frittatas, in my mind, really help encapsulate the magic of having savoury eggs.

我觉得 意式菜肉煎蛋饼 很好地将鸡蛋的美味浓缩在了一起

Sweet or savoury, pie or pud, there's something for everyone on today's menu.

各种味道的派和布丁 下面是今天的食谱

Sweet or savoury, there is something for everyone on the menu today, something like this.

今天的菜谱 汇集各路美食 五味俱全 比如下面这些