
音标/读音 ['si:bɒ:d]
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◎ 单词释义

n. 海岸, 沿海地带
a. 海边的

n the shore of a sea or ocean regarded as a resort



You're in the most secure facility on the eastern seaboard.


My father was the only faithful trucker on the eastern seaboard.

我父親是東海岸 唯一忠貞的卡車司機

That's getting stronger and moving off the eastern seaboard.

正逐渐增强 并将影响东海岸区

Hurricane Irene moves north up the eastern seaboard.


20 on the eastern seaboard, 50 total for now.

东海岸增开二十场 目前一共五十场

So, we can narrow the search grid to the eastern seaboard.


We've narrowed the bomb's location to somewhere on the eastern seaboard.

我们把原子弹的可能地点 缩小到东部沿海

Before your falling out, you controlled 65% of the drug trade on the eastern seaboard.

在你们闹翻前 你俩控制着东海岸65%的*交易

This used to be known as one of the finest hotels on the eastern seaboard.

這裡曾是東海岸一片 眾多一流酒店之一

Within days, it will spread across the eastern seaboard.

几天内 病菌就会席卷东海岸