
音标/读音 [im'pju:n]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

vt. 责难, 抨击, 攻击
[法] 驳斥, 指责, 非难

v. attack as false or wrong



I will not have my reputation impugned.


I'd like to redeem my good name in the same forum where is was so radically impugned.

我在哪个法庭上名誉扫地 就要在哪个法庭上重拾声誉

And now we three have spoke it, it skills not greatly who impugns our doom.

我等三人既已宣表决心 无论何人反对 也没有关系

Because impugning a congres*an's reputation, it's not gonna bring your boyfriend back.

因为诋毁国会议员的声誉 并不能让你的男友起死回生

Stop following me around, nipping at my heels, impugning my integrity.

别再跟着我 紧咬着我不放 怀疑我的人品

And, by your question, you are not only impugning my integrity but also that of my colleagues who are no longer here to defend themselves.

通过你的问题来看 你不仅对我的忠诚表示了怀疑 还责难了我那些再也不能到场 为自己辩护的同事们

Look, bro, I'm not like impugning on your precious welding skills.

哥们 我不是想 质疑你出众的焊接技术

Well, I don't know what you're talking about, but I do know that I do not like having my name impugned.

我不知道你在说什么 但我清楚我不想让自己的名声遭受质疑

Don't you dare impugn me when you're unwilling to stand up and say what you claim is the truth.

你怎么敢质疑我 而你自己也不情愿 站出来说出你所谓的事实

The defendant's confession excluded, the defence impugning the integrity of the police investigation.

被告的供认被排除了 辩方抨击警方调查的可靠性