
音标/读音 ['hiki]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. [口]器械;[俚]唇印;螺纹接合器;弯管器

n. a temporary red mark on a person's skin resulting from kissing or sucking by their lover



Hickey... I need you to do a painting for me.

希基 我需要你为我画幅画

It's as obvious as that hickey on your neck.


Love this, but, um, no more hickeys.

虽然我很喜欢这样 但是不要再种草莓了

It's probably your turtleneck rubbing against your hickeys.


Hickey and I stashed it here when she went to prison.

希基进监狱之前 我们把它藏在了这里

I haven't given a hickey since high school.


I went to prom with a hickey and a black eye.


And look, look! I have a hickey, like a teenager.

你看 这有一颗草莓 像年轻人一样

Well, he hasn't owned up to anything, but I'm as sure as the hickey I saw on his neck.

他还什么都没承认 但这跟他脖子上的吻痕一样明显

And that hickey that's spreading across your neck is actually a tickborne typhus.

你脖子上的吻痕其实是 虫子传播的斑疹