
音标/读音 [.ʌnkәn'trәuld]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

a. 不受抑制的, 不受控制的, 自由的

a. not being under control; out of control



When you're destined to be together, uncontrollable hair growth can't stop uncontrollable love growth.

當你們命中注定在一起時 無論頭發怎么失控瘋長 也阻擋不了愛意的滋生

You're all on administratively uncontrollable overtime, so I own you.

你们现在都属于 不受编制的加班 算我欠你们的

Sometimes I shake uncontrollably for no reason at all.

有的时候我会无法控制地发抖 没有任何原因

Then he began to vomit uncontrollably, drowning in it.

然后不住地呕吐 溺死在自己的呕吐物中

That set off ‭an uncontrollable rage in you.

你心中的怒火被点燃 无法克制

Which made him uncontrollable and extremely aggressive.


Fiancé called because she was shaking uncontrollably.

因为她在不自主颤抖 未婚夫就叫了救护车

that would make it capable of uncontrolled replication.


No, you just have uncontrollable hair growth everywhere.

不 你只是渾身毛發瘋長

So, in a few minutes, you'll be seized with an uncontrollable intestinal distress.

再过几分钟 你们就会面对不可控制的肠道疾病