
音标/读音 ['dipstik]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 量油尺

n. a graduated rod dipped into a container to indicate the fluid level



Yeah, you have my permission to be a total dipstick.

是的 我准许你做个十足的傻子

So I'm gonna start asking you slowly, you dipstick.

所以我再问你一遍 *

You're a knucklehead and a dipstick, and you're someone that I rely on, for, like... everything.

你既是个傻子也是个蠢货 并且也是我能依赖的人 一切...都可以

Well, I think I'd rather be chubby than a handsy dipstick in a corset.

我觉得我宁愿做个小胖子 也不要做个穿着塑身衣的假竹竿