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◎ 单词释义

adv. 严格地;坚硬地;严厉地;牢牢地

r. in a rigid manner



Whatever this is, it bores me rigid.

不管这是什么 无聊死我了

That would explain the rigidity flexibility ratio.

如果是 这刚柔度就难怪了

I realize that my rigidness can be frustrating.


Abdomen is tender but not rigid, with no rebound.

腹部很软 并不僵硬 没有反跳痛

I told myself that he had driven me to do it because he was so unfeeling, so rigid.

我跟自己说是他逼我出轨的 因为他是如此无情 如此顽固

I've forgotten how bloody rigid this century is.


Abdomen's rigid. I think it's the spleen.

腹部僵硬了 我觉得是脾脏问题

The more rigidly you view it, the more pressure you put on yourself.

你把它看得越死板 你就给自己添了越多压力

It's rigid and... and monotonous, and, and selfloving, and safe.

让它变得僵硬 单调 同时 同时自恋又毫无突破

Sexuality ain't a rigid set of definitions.
