
音标/读音 ['sinәmә]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 电影院, 电影

n. a theater where films are shown



I used to play the cinema queues up west, when they had cinema queues.

當電影院排隊買票時 我常常在隊伍西側演奏

I don't know, but it feels like they just transposed the commercial aesthetic over to cinema, and that's not cinema.

我不知道 但感觉 他们只是把商业美学转向了 电影 那东西根本不叫电影

We'll go to the cinema when I'm back.

等我回来 我们就去电影院

If the cinema is the church, this is the seminary.

如果把电影比作一座教堂 那么这里就是神学院

His bread and butter was the cinema.


Cinema is a mirror of reality and it's a filter.

电影是反映现实的镜子 是一次过滤

I'm not a complicated man. I like cinema.

我不是什么复杂的人 我喜欢电影行业

It's the ultimate form, because it's maximum cinema.

这是最新的配置了 这是最大的电影院

A thing? I'm to be going to the cinema with some friends.

活动 我要和一些朋友去电影院

But when I want to go to the cinema, they've vanished.

但当我想去电影院时 眼镜就不见了