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◎ 单词释义

a. 解缠的

a. not yet wrapped or having the wrapping removed



Will you unwrap this? I have to get some more platters.

你能拆开这个吗 我需要一些拼盘

You could at least unwrap him before you send him back.

你送他回去之前 至少拔光他看看

I asked him to unwrap my dress, and then he almost passed out.

我让他解开我的裙子 他差点晕过去

And our whole life, we're just unwrapping shit.


It's called a checkerboard floor, ya unwrapped mummy.

那是棋盘[法式]地板 老土

I'm unwrapping our present as we speak with my swiss army knife.


Hammond finally finished unwrapping his pickup truck.


It's almost morning, and you haven't even unwrapped your present yet.

快到早上了 你还没拆礼物呢

Captain, the sandwiches in question contained melted cheese when we unwrapped them.

船长 有问题的三明治 打开包装时里面加了融化的芝士

It's not wrapped, but you were just gonna unwrap it anyway, so I saved a tree.

没有包装 不过反正你都要把包装拆了的 所以我省了一颗树