
音标/读音 [midʒ]
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◎ 单词释义

n. 蠓, 侏儒
[医] 蠓, 蚋

n. minute two-winged mosquito-like fly lacking biting mouthparts; appear in dancing swarms especially near water



Midge appears to have been rattled by the intruder.


Midge, I sacrificed my whole career for this.

米吉 我为这场演唱会牺牲了我的全部事业

Midge was murdered in an auditorium full of people.


You've got that nice, *udgy, the midges are out, slightly diffused light.

这幅画色彩柔美 层次细腻 光影朦胧

This time of year, because we have all the midges, the deer have tended to move up onto the higher ground.

每年的这个时候 这里会有很多小虫 鹿群会往高处迁徙

It's often rife with biting bugs, from horrible horseflies to pesky midges and mozzies.

美景总是虫子肆虐 可怕的马蝇 讨厌的蚊蝇

Not only can this midge decimate grain, it can carry spores that can do even further damage.

这玩意不仅能严重破坏粮食 还能够携带能够造成进一步伤害的孢子