
音标/读音 ['tri:zn]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 叛逆, 不忠, 叛国罪
[法] 叛逆, 通敌, 叛国罪

n. a crime that undermines the offender's government
n. disloyalty by virtue of subversive behavior



So not merely treason, but suicidal treason.

就不仅仅是叛国 而是自取灭亡的叛国之道

He has committed treason, and the punishment for treason is death.

他犯了叛国罪 叛国罪的惩罚是死刑

It's treason to cover up your son's illness, and treason to use your office to spirit away your sick son.

掩盖你儿子的病情 就是叛国 公权私用把你儿子送出国 也是叛国罪

Oh, yes, I'm gonna get whacked for treason, and you're gonna get whacked for accessory to treason.

对的 我会因叛国罪而遭到处罚 而你将因协谋叛国而遭到处罚

If I defy him, that is an act of treason.

如果我违抗了他 那可是犯叛国罪的

But no murder and no treason charges.


He's lucky we don't charge him with treason.


What you did is insubordination, borderline treason.

你不听从上级指挥 所作所为简直就是叛国

What you are proposing could be construed as treason.


That would be murder, not to mention treason, and that's not who we are.

那是谋杀 更不用说还是叛国 我们不是那样的人