
音标/读音 ['ædl]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

vt. 使昏乱, 使腐坏
vi. 变质
a. 昏乱的, 腐坏的

v. mix up or confuse
v. become rotten


1. In your addled brain, you blame me for what happened to her.

你那混乱的大脑 把她的遭遇怪在我头上

2. Maybe the bubbles have addled your brain.


3. Who knows what's brewin' in the hormone addled brain.


4. I want you to tell me, in all your newfound, drug addled glory, who you really are.

我希望你告诉我 在你用*换来的新晋光环之下 你到底是谁

5. Just give me whatever your addled old brain can muster.


6. Your intent was to addle my thinking with the fruit of your chivo and trick me into agreeing to your ridiculous demands.

你的目的就是想让我失去理智 在你的诱惑之下 骗我同意你荒谬的要求

7. This was an unfortunate consequence of an addled mind trying to reach beyond a cloud of confusion.

这是一个错乱的大脑企图走出混沌迷云 而产生的不幸后果
