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◎ 单词释义

abbr. multiunit network management and maintenance message 多单元网络管理与维护消息



Mmmm, mmmm, no, not like that, man, you know.

不 不是那样的 伙计 你知道的

Mmmm. I'm not here as your daughter.


Mmmm, not my friend, not my problem.

不是我的朋友 就不关我的事

Mmmm, I can tell that you're not sincere.

别 我看得出你不是真心

Mmmm. I volunteered to be on call tonight.

来 我今晚还自愿值晚班

But when the army came in shooting, mmmm.


Mmmm. I want a recipe, a photo and another.

我想要食谱 照片和另一杯

Mmmm. It's a truck stop, motel, and market.

嗯 那是个卡车停靠站 汽车旅馆和市场

Mmmm, *oking don't make you thin. I *oke.

抽烟不会让你变瘦 我就抽烟

Even the lights were like, "mmmm, no." there wasn't a professional in sight.

甚至燈光都在說 "我覺得不行" 在場沒一個靠譜的歌手