
音标/读音 ['hɑ:dwud]
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◎ 单词释义

n. 硬木, 硬木材, 阔叶材, 落叶树
[机] 硬木

n. the wood of broad-leaved dicotyledonous trees (as distinguished from the wood of conifers)



There are no hardwood floors in their house.


Your hardwood floors are lovely, by the way.

顺便说一下 你的实木地板真不错

All these floors are original hardwood, same in the bathrooms.

地板都是原装硬木 浴室也是

The victim was blinded, hardwood floors slippery with blood.

被害者被弄瞎了 硬木地板*变滑

By the way, I really like your new hardwood floors.

顺便一说 我挺喜欢你家的新硬木地板

Super neat? I bet he's got hardwood floors.

超级整洁干净 我猜他家一定是硬木地板

Certain types of hardwood turn fluorescent in blacklight.


Look at these nice hardwood floors that were underneath all that crap.

看看这漂亮的硬木地板 之前被垃圾挡住了

Rainforest hardwood gets big bucks in the international market.

在国际市场上 雨林硬木材很赚钱

We watched as he just sort of drifted slowly back on the hardwood.

我们看着他就那样 慢慢地滑回硬木场地上