
音标/读音 ['futbridʒ]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 人行桥

n. a bridge designed for pedestrians



You've crossed the old footbridge to find two doors.


Now, when you see someone jogging across the footbridge, then you should get started.

你们一看见有人跑过桥 就开始打斗

A tiny creature that stands under a footbridge and makes you answer a riddle before you're allowed to pass.

一种小怪物 站在桥边拦路问谜题 回答出来才让你过桥

The fight is right in their field of view, and at least partially visible from as far back as the footbridge.

打架正在她们的视域内发生 而且在她们还在桥上时 也起码能看到一部分

You know, II still can't believe that he knew the bike would cause the truck to slow down and swerve under the footbridge.

你知道 我还是不敢相信他知道 那辆脚踏车会让那卡车减速 并且突然转向天桥下