
音标/读音 ['pәulstә]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 民意调查人, 民意测验经办人

n. someone who conducts surveys of public opinion



He was a pollster. I was a lowly volunteer.

他是民调专家 而我只是普通志愿者

Corrupt economists, biased pollsters, that sort of thing.

*的经济学家 不公正的民调专家等等

My pollster tells me that I gave the wrong answer at a town hall meeting.

民调专家告诉我 我在一次市民大会上 答错了一个问题

Pollsters admit that estimates were likely skewed due to the reluctance of most voters to admit they're actually bigots.

选举预测人表示 之前的预估有偏差 很有可能是因为 许多选民不承认自己是盲信者

Because I've had our pollsters conduct a secret poll on the subject, and 62 percent of women over 40 have said that they are more likely to vote for a woman who proudly owns her sexuality.

因为我让民调专家 悄悄在这话题上做了民调 62%的40岁以上女性说 她们更可能投票给 一位大胆承认自己*好的女性候选人