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◎ 单词释义

n. 偷取者, 偷干者, 僭据者
[法] 小偷

n a criminal who takes property belonging to someone else with the intention of keeping it or selling it



They are all thieves, whores, stealers of land.

他們都是小偷 * 盜國者

Yeah, if our secret stealer's that literal.

是啊 如果偷我们秘密的人是那么肤浅的话

Andrew's ex is a complete boyfriend stealer.


I knew it. I knew you were a boyfriend stealer from the moment I met you.

我就知道 自打第一眼看到你起 我就知道你会抢别人男友

Showing up at a guy's workplace is a classic boyfriend stealer move.

出现在一个男人的办公室 是抢人男友的经典招数

The only thing a boyfriend stealer understands is brute force, which is why you need to coldcock that bitch with a sock full of oranges.

第三者唯一明白的就是 强攻 所以你要用一只装满橙子的袜子 打晕那*

I ask only one thing, when you find this schtick stealer, this gimmick grabber, this pathetic wannabe, fake, make sure your safety's off.

我只求一件事 等你们找到了这个滑稽献丑的小偷 这个诡计多端的攫取者 可悲的冒牌货 记得把枪上的保险栓打开