
音标/读音 [ʌn'teðə]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

vt. 解下拴牛马的绳或链

s. not confined or restricted with a tether



I'm not someone who likes being untethered.


Human nature untethered in all its flawed glory.


We still need to untether the magic from this thing.


And the captain untethered his tether, and he jumped out and he caught me.

船長解開他自己的安全繩 他跳過來抓住了我

It's a bitch running that office with you out here running around all untethered.

我管着办公室的同时 还得处理你在这儿的任性妄为

Not feeling untethered in a directionless void between heaven and hell.

我不想感觉像一个 游离在天堂和地狱之间的迷茫虚空

But untethered by family, they go zipping past you at the speed of light.

但他们不被家庭束缚 以光速 飞快地超越了你

The last person I came clean with became a tad untethered.

上一个我坦白的人 变得整天神游天外

However, now and then, I can become consumed with chaos and untethered from that control.

但最近 我偶尔会被紊乱吞噬 对自己失去控制

He ran away like an impudent child chasing after an untethered balloon.

他像个追气球的熊孩子一样 跑到外面去了