n. 斑疹伤寒
[医] 斑疹伤寒
n. rickettsial disease transmitted by body lice and characterized by skin rash and high fever
1. This is not a naturally occurring typhus.
2. We have to get rid of them for typhus.
以防伤寒 我们必须扔掉它们
3. coming out the other side of a typhus outbreak.
4. We don't have enough meds for a typhus outbreak.
5. typhus is going to kill everyone, including you.
斑疹伤寒会害死所有人的 包括你
6. And that hickey that's spreading across your neck is actually a tickborne typhus.
你脖子上的吻痕其实是 虫子传播的斑疹
7. Your inoculations are up to date except for your typhus, which is 17 days overdue.
你接种的疫苗都是最新型的 除了斑疹伤寒的疫苗已经过期了17天
8. If I had proper equipment, I would know a lot more, but what I do know, this is not a naturally occurring typhus.
如果我有更好的设备 我就能知道更多情况 但我只知道 这不是自然发生的斑疹伤寒
9. Gonna need 10 times that amount to treat the typhus in camp.
10. You succumbed to a disease called typhus, and we lost one of the bravest young women in history.
你得了一种叫斑疹伤寒的疾病 我们因此失去了历史上最勇敢的年轻女性之一