
音标/读音 [.kɒntrә'dikʃәn]
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◎ 单词释义

n. 反驳, 矛盾
[法] 矛盾, 否认, 反驳

n. opposition between two conflicting forces or ideas
n. (logic) a statement that is necessarily false
n. the speech act of contradicting someone



I did not wish to contradict him, as it is dangerous to contradict mad people.

我不想反驳他 反驳疯子太危险了

Nothing happens in contradiction to nature, only in contradiction to what we know of it.

任何事情的发生都无法违背自然的 只会和我们所知的相矛盾

...what we have here is a contradiction.


So it seems that there is a contradiction here.


We don't, because we don't speak in contradictions.

我们不懂 因为我们说话不会自相矛盾

I'm not contradicting her, I'm complimenting you.

我不是怼她 我是在夸你啊

Don't ever contradict me in here again.


...and you can't say no, so you can't contradict your partner.

不能说"不" 也就是说你不能反驳你的搭档

But then, that contradicts the brutality in which he kills.

然而 这还是跟他残忍的杀人方式 形成了鲜明对比

You, my darling, are a web of contradictions.

亲爱的 你是一个矛盾复合体