
音标/读音 ['hʌkstә]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 小商人, 叫卖的小贩, 吃广告饭的人
vt. 贩卖, 叫卖, 还价
vi. 叫卖, 讨价还价

n. a seller of shoddy goods
n. a person who writes radio or tv advertisements



That huckster sold her hope at 25 bucks an hour.

那个小骗子每小时25美元 用希望哄骗她

One cannot even buy a home without being bombarded with modernday hucksteri*.

现在人要买房子是不是必须经受 当代的这种大肆推销

You're a thirdrate huckster who'd sell your own mother's organs to get what you want.

你就是个三流骗子推销员 为了达到目的连卖掉*的器官都愿意

You know, I can't wait to see you led away in shackles, like the leisure industry huckster you are.

我等不及想看你戴着镣铐被押走了 那才符合你这个休闲服务业小贩的身份

I know you find me to be something of a huckster, so I'll speak to specifics as to the nature of this place in which we both live and work.

我知道你觉得我有些古怪 所以我要告诉你这个 我们生活和工作的地方的细节

Everywhere she turned, there was a line of hucksters just like this clown giving her nothing but false hope.

她一出现 就会出现一排唯利是图的贩子 像这位小丑一样 给她的只有虚假的希望