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中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 丹尼(男子名)



Dani's accusation wasn't enough, not for you.

对于你 只有达尼的检举还不够

Dani's with me. It's my mission to protect her.

达妮是和我一起的 保护她是我的任务

Dani, we have to go. I'm not leaving him.

达妮 我们得走了 我是不会丢下他的

Dani loves you, and that's all that matters.

丹妮爱你 这才是最重要的

Dani's dead, and the other three are in comas.

黛妮已经死亡 其他三人还在昏迷

Dani said that we can have those tickets.


Dani, would you look at this heartwarming tableau.

丹妮 快来看看这幅温暖人心的画面

Dani, that's great that's a real coup.

丹妮 这太棒了 大收获啊

Dani, you started off as a dancer and I'm a dancer.

你是舞者出身 我也是舞者 所以不难

Dani's been telling me that all day, and now I see it.

黛妮今天一直跟我强调 现在我能看出来了