
音标/读音 [jɑ:ŋ,jæŋ]
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◎ 单词释义

n. 杨(姓氏)

n. the bright positive masculine principle in Chinese dualistic cosmology



We can't be the yin and the yang if we're both a yang.

要是咱俩都是阳 还怎么能做到阴阳调和呢

Well, it's our our yin and our yang.


It's both sides of the picture, the yin and the yang.

这是画的两面 阴面阳面

...her energy, her chi, her yin, her yang, all of it.

我喜欢的是她的能量 她的气场 她的八字啥的

Yang was a patient, not hospital staff.

杨是病人 不是医院职工

Okay, so, yangs, you'll take my dead roommate's spot.

好了 杨氏兄弟 你来代替我那个死室友的位置

When you first arrived, you had too little yin, too much yang.

你刚来的时候 阴气微弱 阳气太重

It is like yin and yang, meant to be, peas in pod.

就像阴对阳 豌豆和豆荚 天生一对

She had to be there you know, yin and yang, you know, uh, dark and light.

她必须存在 阴阳 黑暗光明什么的

Anyway, I changed my mind halfway through, so I got yin but no yang.

总之 我纹到一半改了主意 所有只有"阴"没有"阳"