
音标/读音 [.dispju:'teiʃәn]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 争论, 议论, 讨论

n the formal presentation of a stated proposition and the opposition to it (usually followed by a vote)
n a contentious speech act; a dispute where there is strong disagreement



Significant facts are in dispute here and continue to be in dispute.

现在重要线索还有争议 而且未来也持续会有很多争议

I guess I just I wanted it to be a workplace dispute, because I thought if you knew it was a roommate dispute, you might kick me out.

我想我只是希望这是办公室纠纷 因为如果你发现这是室友纠纷 我怕你会把我赶走

No disputes in the absence of judges.


I left because of a workplacemisconduct dispute.


The defendant was in a dispute with the victim.


This dispute between you both must end.


It's a personal dispute, just not with me.

这是个人恩怨 与我无关

We're not disputing where it happened, how it happened, who did it.

我们要辩论的不是案件发生的地点 起因和凶手

There's no dispute about the date. It was the 9th.

日期没有争议 就是9号

Britain has no dispute with you or your people.
