
音标/读音 [fɑ:s]
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◎ 单词释义

n. 闹剧, 滑稽剧, 胡闹

n. a comedy characterized by broad satire and improbable situations
v. fill with a stuffing while cooking



That trial was a farce, and I'm not on any registry.

那罪名简直荒唐 我可没有罪案记录

First the tragedy, and then the farce.

最初是悲剧 后又成了闹剧

But my whole involvement is a farce.


Entire thing is a farce, that's how it went.

整件事就是场闹剧 这就是进展

We're living in a time of farce, not tragedy.

这个时代充斥着闹剧 而不是悲剧

You're not seriously planning to continue this farce.


All right, this is quickly becoming a farce here.

好了 这很快变成了一场闹剧

And when this farce is over, you will be the first that I feed on.

等这闹剧结束后 我第一个就吃了你

I can't wait for the police to get here, and for this farce to be over.

我等不及让警察们赶紧过来 让这场闹剧赶紧结束

I'm against sociali* and against the farce of democracy that you claim to represent.

我反對社會主義 也反對你們聲稱所代表的*的鬧劇