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◎ 单词释义


n. an ancient city is southern Greece; center of the Mycenaean civilization during the late Bronze Age



Mycenae flourished because it was ideally situated for trade by both sea and land.

迈锡尼之所以繁盛都要归功于 其地处贸易的黄金地带 水陆贸易四通八达

Mycenae lay unappreciated until the 19th century, when a treasure trove of gold was unearthed in this necropolis.

迈锡尼灿烂的文明直到19世纪在此墓地群 出土大量价值连城的财宝文物后才令后世了解

Mycenae was at the peak of its power around 1300 bc, after which it and its empire seemed to disappear virtually overnight.

迈锡尼文明大约在公元前1300年达到巅峰 随后 它同它的王朝似乎就在一夜之间 就退出了历史舞台