
音标/读音 ['kənstriktid]
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◎ 单词释义

v. 压缩, 压紧, 使收缩( constrict的过去式和过去分词)

s. especially tense; especially in some dialects
a. drawn together or squeezed physically or by extension psychologically



Asphyxiation due to constriction of the thorax.

胸腔收缩 导致窒息而死

Pupillary constrictions indicate he's telling the truth.


I started to sweat, and my chest constricted and I couldn't breathe.

就会开始出汗 胸闷 无法呼吸

How the muscles constrict physically to prevent penetration.

肌肉是如何收缩 来阻止插入动作的

Ultimately governed and constricted by the rules of survival.

但不能永远*控 而是遵循着生存的原则

If he got your hand and then constricted it, he could kill your hand.

如果它缠住你的手然后发力 你的手就完了

The way your skin constricts when you plunge into water.


I'm going to go slip into something less constricting.


Most street drugs cause pupil dilation, not constriction.

大多*会引起瞳孔放大 而不是缩小

Even now I can feel them constricted by a sock.
