
音标/读音 ['wɒ:plein]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 军用飞机

n. an aircraft designed and used for combat


1. Hank, you're building a warplane down here.

汉克 你这是造了架战斗机啊

2. We can't have the world know that we're not in control of our own warplanes.

我们不能让世界知道 我们不能控制自己的战机

3. Jumbos have also been adapted to become warplanes.


4. An unknown number of soviet warplanes have penetrated our airspace.

数量不明的苏联战机 已经侵入了我们的领空

5. Like an ancient warplane scattering bits of mirror to overwhelm a radar system.

就像古老的战舰 用镜子来使雷达系统过载
