音标/读音 [ti:]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

[计] 表, 终端, 测试, 磁道, 树, 真, 太, 万亿
[医] 温度, 胸的, 胸廓的, 眼球内压, 眼压, 垓, 千京, 兆兆

n. the 20th letter of the Roman alphabet



T t t take out your w... your w wallet.

把...把...把 把你的钱...钱包拿出来

You don’t have to do this, if you don’t want to.

如果你不想这么做 不用勉强

Where are you? I don’t I don’t even know.

你在哪呢 我 我也不知道

If you would step over here with me, we can...t‐t‐talk in private.

请您随我移步这边 我们可以私下聊聊

Let’s say I don’t love you, and you don’t love me.

就说我不爱你 你也不爱我

You wouldn’t be working for me if it were.


But you said t had beating on for a while.


This is our needle, and t is our haystack.

这是我们的针 这是大海

No, no, that, uh, t... very generous.

不不 这...太慷慨了

T said that to me when he recruited me.
