
音标/读音 [pə'veɪdɪŋ]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

v. 遍及, 弥漫( pervade的现在分词 )

v spread or diffuse through



It was just this pervading, horrible paranoia.


May this pious feeling pervade all your activities.


Gas has pervaded every single room in this home.


Not the, uh, phony, superficial ones that pervade this city.


Scientists called it the ether, an invisible but allencompassing substance pervading the universe.

科学家称之为"以太" 是一种不可见但是包罗万象 充斥整个宇宙的物质

Phephanie, you're clearly starving your feelings, and not addressing any of the underlying emptiness that pervades your existence.

菲芬妮 你很明显让你的情感挨饿了 而且不肯处理那些充斥于你存在的 内心深处的空虚

Whether they sit on the other side of your office or across the kitchen table, these people pervade society.

无论他们是坐在你办公室对面 还是餐桌对面 这些人遍布整个社会

Much like the gas which has pervaded every single room in this home whilst you have been ranting like the lunatic that you are.

就像是弥漫在这房子里 每一间屋子的瓦斯 就在你像疯子一样 咆哮之时

When troubadours sang ballads of ideal love, chivalry was in vogue, and a pragmatic spirit of tolerance pervaded everything.

那时游吟诗人唱着关于理想爱情的民谣 骑士风靡一时 务实的宽容精神无处不在

the heinous, shameful sin of slavery, and the systemic raci* that pervaded every aspect of his life in the environment in which he was raised.

令人发指 不耻的奴隶制罪恶 这个在他生长环境中渗透生活方方面面的 种族主义歧视