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◎ 单词释义

n. 茶匙
[医] 茶匙(4毫升)

n. as much as a teaspoon will hold
n. a small spoon used for stirring tea or coffee; holds about one fluid dram



The way you get water oil to mix it's not impossible, it's to add emulsifier a teaspoon of beeswax, which is about 4 to 5 granules, and normally about 2 teaspoonful of emulsifying wax.

要水油交融 也不算难题 加点乳化剂就成 1茶匙蜂蜡 大约4到5颗 还有通常2茶匙量的乳化蜡

This is like emptying the ocean with a teaspoon.


A teaspoon of thyme and a pinch of sage.

1茶匙百里香 再加一点鼠尾草

All you need is a few teaspoons to kill tens of thousands.


A teaspoon, not too much, this is with an exclamation mark, mind.

茶匙 不要太多 这后面加了感叹号 注意

I wonder if I could use the chain somehow, and the teaspoon.

我想也许可以用链子 还有茶勺

I'm probably going to add about two teaspoons, straight in.

我大概会加两茶匙的量 直接加进去

Lucky for him, a teaspoon's worth of water a day is enough.

他很幸运 每天只需一茶匙的水分

Slightly worried I'm going to lose the teaspoon as well.


I didn't realize you were supposed to put only three teaspoons of rum in it.

我不知道 只要放三小勺朗姆酒就够了