
音标/读音 ['blʌdlain]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

◎ 单词释义

n. 血统, 种系

n the descendants of one individual
n ancestry of a purebred animal



It's a silly rule, but your bloodline forged it, so your bloodline has to do the honors.

这规矩挺傻的 但是 是你的祖先铸造了它 只能是你们家的人来做

They were of the same people but not the same bloodline.

他们是同一等级的人 但不是同一血脉

It's because he... he needed a cop with the bloodline.


I want you to * this bloodline out of me.


Guy like me no money, I'm out of the bloodline.

像我这样的人 没钱又没势

The last of a tyrannical bloodline was spotted here.


I would assume it has something to do with protecting bloodlines.


Run as he might, he can't escape his bloodline.

就算跑到天涯海角 他也无法逃离自己的家族

Even your role as witness was inherited through your bloodline.

就连作为见证人的身份 都是从你的先辈身上传过来的

Her subjects want an heir from their royal bloodline.

她的臣民想要 流着他们皇室之血的继承人