
音标/读音 ['vaipә]
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◎ 单词释义

n. 蝰蛇, 毒蛇, 毒如蛇蝎的人, 阴险的人
[医] 蝰蛇

n. venomous Old World snakes characterized by hollow venom-conducting fangs in the upper jaw



We could have been the tigers or the vipers.

我们怎么不叫老虎队 毒蛇队

Viper is more of a threat than we realized.


We have different vipers, we have different bushmasters.

有很多种毒蛇 很多种巨蝮

You're just another snake in this nest of vipers.


The land is soft and sweet, but filled with vipers.

那里的土地柔软芬芳 但却布满毒蛇

and shed the light of the law on that nest of vipers.


5'7", built like a goddess, vicious as a viper.

身高一米七 女神外表 蛇蝎心肠

Viper, I'm sorry. II didn't mean to hurt your feelings.

小龙 对不起 我不是故意气你的

Viper 34, move to final attack heading.

V34 移动到最终攻击位上方

I'd be sad for you if I didn't think you're better off away from the vipers at court.

我该为你伤心的 但是我觉得你还是 远离宫廷的勾心斗角为好